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Nutrition for Pain Relief: Harnessing the Power of Food

Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of daily life. While medication and therapy are often sought for relief, there's another powerful tool that's often overlooked: nutrition. ...

Finding Balance: Navigating High Vibration Living in a Busy World

  In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the concept of "high-vibration living" might sound like a far-off utopia. Yoga instructors and wellness influencers preach about it, but for ...

Harmonizing Your Inner Symphony.

Lifestyle choices act as the threads in the intricate tapestry of our existence, my friend, weaving a harmonious vibrational composition. Conscious living conducts this symphony through mindfulness, positive connections, and ...

Nourishing Resonance: The Essence of a Vibrational Diet

In the symphony of well-being, our diet influences the vibrational frequencies within us. A Vibrational Diet, acknowledging the energy in everything, explores the connection between nutrition and vibrational harmony. Let's ...

Your Vagus Nerve: Unlocking a Personal Journey to Wellness

Hey there! Today, let's explore the captivating world of your body's internal communication system - the vagus nerve. Did you know it's a silent hero, linking your brain, heart, and ...

Navigating Hypnotherapy

Hey there, fellow seekers of peace and personal growth! I hope this message finds you in a moment of tranquility or at least on the brink of discovering it. Today, ...

What if Life is an Experiment?

As I sit down to reflect on my life, I can't help but view it as an ongoing experiment, one where I am both the subject and the scientist. In ...

Is your health suffering? New study reveals the effect of the beliefs of others.

Have you ever considered the profound impact your thoughts have in your life? While mantras and positive thinking have their place, they may not suffice in altering deeply ingrained habits ...

Lost in Translation: The Orkney Grade Lesson

This past weekend, Ken and I embarked on an adventure to the picturesque Shenandoah Valley. We were joined by a couple of friends, and as we cruised down the winding ...

When to Say Goodbye

In a world that often encourages us to hold on, even in the face of adversity, it can be challenging to determine when it's time to say goodbye to a ...

Discovering Beauty in Imperfection: The Art of Kintsugi

In a world that often emphasizes perfection and discards for flaws, a timeless Japanese art form celebrates imperfection in a truly exquisite way. "Kintsugi" or "Kintsukuroi" - the art of ...

Building Resilience: Weathering the Storm

Resilience is a powerful trait that enables individuals to weather life's storms with strength and grace. It's not something you're born with; it's a skill that can be cultivated and ...

ย Navigating Choppy Waters of Office Politics

In the complex world of workplaces, stress, office politics, and drama often form an unfortunate trio that can leave employees feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained. But what if you could ...

Embracing Your Inner Miraculous

Have you ever stopped to ponder the sheer wonder of your existence? Today, we're peeling back the layers of our conscious selves to explore the breathtaking magic that resides within ...

The Body’s Silent Language

In relationships, communication transcends mere words. Our bodies are reservoirs of abundant information, reflecting both our individual identity and our interactions with others. By tuning into these subtle physical signals, ...

The Art of Active Listening

Embark on a self-discovery journey as we dive into the transformative practices of active listening. Together, we'll explore body, mind, and spirit domains, uncovering the hidden potential within introspection. Learn ...

Tapping into Your Body’s Wisdom: Navigating Pain, Stress, and Cultivating Relationships

Hello there, dear seekers of wellness and insight! Today, let's embark on a journey together - a journey that explores the invaluable connection between your body and your well-being-a journey ...

Embrace Holistic Support for Relaxing Nerves and Releasing Pain

In today's fast-paced world, stress and pain have become all too common in our lives, especially for those in physically demanding professions. As we strive to provide the best care ...

Healing: Embracing the Journey of Transformation Amidst Pain and Comfort

As we walk this path of healing and empowerment together, I want to gently remind you that it is the little steps that make the biggest difference. Often, we may ...

Embrace Your Awesome Body: Let’s Unleash the Power of Health and Healing!

Are you ready for a wonderful adventure that starts right from within your amazing body? Buckle up and get ready to explore the magic of health and healing like never ...

Let’s investigate the link between science and manifesting.

Step into the quantum realm of possibilities, where the mysteries of reality intertwine with the power of manifesting. While the connection between quantum mechanics and manifesting is still shrouded in ...

Bridging the Divide: A Tale of Chronic Pain, Empathy, and Healing

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived two individuals named Alex and Maya. Both Alex and Maya were plagued by chronic pain, but ...

How Hypnosis Can Transform Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day!

Have you ever wondered how hypnosis can change your mind? If you are curious about this fascinating topic, you are not alone. Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help ...

What You Need to Know About Energy Medicine and Embodiment

Hey there, welcome to my blog where I share my insights on holistic health and wellness. Today I want to talk about two concepts that are often misunderstood or confused: ...

Is Science Keeping You Stuck?

You've heard that your beliefs can shape your reality. But why exactly? How can that be? Read on, and I'll explain the biology of belief, how it affects your daily ...

Three home care products I love.

There are three avenues through which pain settles into our body; physical, mental, and emotional. Once the pain has arrived in your body, you must physically release the tension and ...

Self-flagellation. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

Self-punishment has deep roots based on religious and social mores. Archeological digs uncovered artifacts confirming that as far back as prehistoric times, ceremonial whippings were performed in rites of initiation, ...

โ€œNoโ€-the kindest word you can say

Who here has said Yes, when they wanted to say No, and ended up down the road having to clean up more of a mess in a relationship? Do you ...

Full of Yourself? Great!

"You are so full of yourself!" When it came out of my mother's mouth, it was not meant as a compliment. Instead, it meant I was too excited, too outgoing, ...

You are Hardwired for Bliss, not Pain.

Yep. That's you! You are built to be happy. Back in the 1970s, Researcher Candice Pert, with her doctorate in pharmacology from Johns Hopkins, discovered that the receptors of hormone ...

Chronic pain costs you big time. It’s time to do something different.

I was shocked when I read that those in severe pain spend over $644 a month above their counterparts without chronic pain. So people in chronic pain pay almost $8000 ...

What’s in it for you?

If you ever feel you are not living up to your full potential, welcome to the club. This story may help you connect with motivation. My intent here is that ...

Is the Hecticness of the Holidays Starting to Freak You Out?

Chaos, swirling, anxiety, untethered. You know the holiday season is approaching from the frenzied TV ads and the over-the-top store decorations. Holiday decorations before Halloween. Really?!   You may wonder ...

Reduce Pain, just add Happiness

That picture says it all. We put our noses to the grindstone, focus on the task at hand and postpone the pleasures. But at what cost? Body pains, headaches, and ...

3 Ways to Keep Peace at Work and Home to Stress and Pain

Retention during the Great Resignation is possible. Keep your team working as a team, happy and productive by giving them the space to work, acknowledging them when they do good ...

What Forrest Fires Can Teach Us About Pain Relief

I love walking in the woods. The beach used to be my favorite place. The expanse of looking out over the waves. The calming lap of the waves or cleansing ...

Story of Change

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, walked through the park in Berlin. There he met a girl who was crying because she had lost ...

What do tired, depressed, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disease have in common?

What do those health concerns have in common? Vagal tone. The vagus nerve or Tenth Cranial Nerve, known as the Wanderer because it starts at the medulla in the brain ...

Scared of COVID19 Pneumonia? Listen to your hygienist.

The illness tied to the new coronavirus was originally called novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). The World Health Organization renamed it COVID-19, which is short for coronavirus disease 2019. (1)That gives ...

You Are 1 Minute Away From Your Best Day

It takes just 1 minute to start your day off right. If you want to be 100% there for your kids, you must first be 100% there for yourself. If ...

A Testimonial from a Client with a Cyst

I'd like to share these kind words from a client of mine. "I began my journey with Sally DiCesare in March of 2012. In January, I was diagnosed with a ...

From Anxiety to Joy: a Testimonial

Not long ago, I got this wonderful compliment from a client that I have permission to share. "I came to Sally to assist me with ongoing anxiety in my life: ...

Nutritional Changes Made a Huge Difference in a Client’s Life

I wanted to give you an update on my enzyme experiment - per your suggestion, I have been taking digestive enzymes with every meal for about three weeks now - ...


Sally offers years of experience in listening and hearing what each individual needs and wants. Click the Joy button below to get started "The wonderful thing about CranioSacral Therapy (CST) ...
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