photo head shot excited girl

Full of Yourself? Great!

January 27, 2023 โ—Š By Sally DICESARE

photo head shot excited girl

Full of Yourself? Great!

January 27, 2023 โ—Š By Sally DICESARE

โ€œYou are so full of yourself!โ€ When it came out of my motherโ€™s mouth, it was not meant as a compliment. Instead, it meant I was too excited, too outgoing, too opinionated. In other words, I was acting socially inappropriately according to her rules of life.

I know Iโ€™m not alone. But, while it may have been called something different or nothing at all, you knew when you were acting out of line by the look on an adultโ€™s face, at the very least.

On the surface, such socialization seems ok. Everyone is doing it. But it can have long-term consequences regarding your motivation, confidence, and, yes, even your health.

As a pain-free living specialist, I work with people on more than one level of the physical. When working with me, we look at the mental and emotional causes of physical pain, not just the physical. And what I have found is that people with chronic pain or health conditions tend to have taken on another personโ€™s opinion of them as their own. Even acute pain often has an energetic component. Just consider what you say to yourself when you notice your pain. How does the pain react when you verbally abuse yourself? Does the pain increase or subside?

Or maybe you choose to ignore your pain. That may work for a while, but the pain tends to go deeper when not addressed. Just think of when you hurt your knee and limped around for months. Did your back start to ache as well? Did you get muscle spasms elsewhere? Right.

I am not saying to forgo medical advice. Far from it. I am saying that healing is more profound when you consider the three avenues of pain.

I teach people how to be full of themselves. Because when you are full of yourself, you are living how you truly want to live, and there is an undercurrent of joy running through each day. Not every day is bliss, but a resilience, stability, and happiness are the cornerstones of their life.

Pain is reduced when you are full of yourself because you are only left with the physical effects of pain, not the energetic ones. So, if you want to dance, dance, or maybe you work better with music playing, find a way to enjoy that music. Find ways to feed your spirit by doing things that bring you joy.

Remember your childhood if you donโ€™t know what makes you smile. What did you enjoy then? How did you feel? If you canโ€™t climb a tree now, allow your body to remember what it felt like to be up in that tree, looking out over your world. Take some time and relive a time when you felt terrific.

Or experiment with movement. Moving the body often feels good. If full-body movement is unavailable to you now, move a part of your body. Click your fingers, cluck your tongue, sway.

An easy way to bring balance, joy, and peace to yourself is to add the Infinity symbol to your movement. Use a figure 8, the infinity symbol, as your guide as you sway from side to side. Even imagine swaying minutely makes a difference. Try it. Youโ€™ll like it. Commit to doing this swaying activity daily for as long as you want. Play with this energy balance technique during meetings and note how the discussion flows. A big thanks to Dr. Artie Egendorf for researching using the infinity symbol to improve your life.

If you notice nothing at first, donโ€™t stop. Not feeling it doesnโ€™t mean you are not receiving benefits. If you donโ€™t feel any shift in your body, observe your life to see if there are changes and keep going, knowing that it may take you a bit longer. And thatโ€™s ok.

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Thank you.

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