women on a road trip

Lost in Translation: The Orkney Grade Lesson

October 16, 2023 ◊ By Sally DICESARE

This past weekend, Ken and I embarked on an adventure to the picturesque Shenandoah Valley. We were joined by a couple of friends, and as we cruised down the winding roads, we stumbled upon a sign that read "Orkney Grade." Now, if you're anything like me, your mind tends to take a detour into whimsical territories at times like these. So, naturally, I started thinking about the Orks from Middle Earth in Lord of the Rings. But I was in for a surprise when I asked my companions what came to mind for them.
First up was Ken, who, in his typical food-loving fashion, immediately associated "Orkney" with okra, the humble green vegetable. Now, that's a unique connection, isn't it?
Then, there was Connor, diligently working his way through school to become a Physician Assistant. So, for him, "Orkney" brought to mind a medical term for a body part. It's fascinating how our individual experiences and knowledge shape the way we perceive the world around us.
And then there was Kate, who casually mentioned knowing someone with "Orkney" as their last name. Sometimes, it's the simplest connections that provide the most interesting insights.
But it was Ken's okra association and my subsequent thought that really got me pondering. It struck me that our communication can be as convoluted as the twists and turns of the road we were on. Even when we use the exact same word and understand its definition, our personal experiences and perspectives can lead each of us down a different path when trying to decipher the same conversation.
This got me thinking about people communicating in a language other than their native tongue. The potential for misinterpretation multiplies, and it can either open up new horizons or close the doors to understanding.
So, I'd like to offer a humble suggestion when engaging in conversations with others: Let them echo back what they've heard you say in their own words. It's like a navigation system for communication. If you're not quite sure where you're headed, it's good to have a co-pilot who can read the map differently but still get you to the same destination.
And if that's not feasible, don't hesitate to illustrate your point with real-life stories or express your thoughts in multiple ways. It's like having different road signs to guide someone along the journey of understanding.
In the end, it all comes down to being kind and empathetic. Most people are just trying to get along, and perhaps they're just as bewildered by the road signs of communication as you are. So, extend a helping hand, a listening ear, and a bit of patience. Remember, it's a two-way street, and sometimes, it takes a few twists and turns to reach a common understanding.
The next time you find yourself on an "Orkney Grade" of communication, take a moment to appreciate the diverse perspectives that make our conversations so fascinating. Embrace the differences, and who knows, you might discover a hidden treasure along the way.
Happy travels on the road to understanding!
Your Pain Relief Specialist

PS- if you are interested in learning my Four Step Formula to take the drama out of any conversation, click here 


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