Your Blissful Journey

CranioCradle for total rebalancing


The CranioCradle is a gentle easy-to-use home neck and back therapy system that helps relieve stress, tension, and pain. Carry the portable and lightweight CranioCradle with you to use gently while lying down or sitting in a chair! Questions? Click here.

The CranioCradle is a gentle easy-to-use home neck and back therapy system that helps relieve stress, tension, and pain.  Carry the portable and lightweight CranioCradle with you to use gently while lying down or sitting in a chair!

How The CranioCradle Helps

Placed under the head, neck, and back, along the spine, the CranioCradle encourages joints to decompress and cramped tense muscles to release gently.  Within minutes, the CranioCradle will relax tired, tense muscles, relieve nagging aches, pains, and fatigue, and restore your body to a deep state of comfort.

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